Season 01 Finale: Start Your Podcast

Whoop! whoop! we made it to the last episode of season 01 of ALL THE THINGS WE SEE Podcast. You have rocked with me for 30 Mondays if that isn’t worthy of a THANK YOU I don’t know what is, I have to give a big shout out to YOU my listeners, it wouldn’t be possible without you guys, I MEAN WHAT’S A PODCAST WITHOUT LISTENERS?


So what have I been up to now you may wonder, apart from brain storming how I want the podcast to sound like in the coming year, the people I want to talk to on the podcast, the topics I think will be relevant to you etc etc, I’m also currently providing a one month intensive training on how to start a podcast I’m calling it “Idea to Launch”, it’s a one on one training for people who want to start a podcast. I’ll take you from your idea phase to the day you decide to share your podcast with the world! Excitttting I know;

I know how it feels dear podcaster
  • you’ll get a free podcast launch checklist for budget podcasters,
  • a free social media tool kit for podcasting,
  • we will join hands to make sure the messaging is behind your podcast is clear,
  • you’ll choose your podcast name
  • avoid the newbie mistakes I made
  • know who your audience is and where to find them and so much more

This is for you if;

  • you already know what a podcast is and you would like to have yours
  • you have an idea of what your own podcast will be about
  • you’ve googled and searched and you’re still confused on how to get started
  • you’ve started but you’re stuck right now
  • you think your story isn’t good enough to be heard
  • you’re wondering who will listen to YOU

Listen love, I have been there and done that, 30 episodes later and about to kick off season 02, I am here to help you get started, that’s the hard part, the rest will become clearer as you keep doing.

If this is something you’d be interested in, you can book me here. You can also sponsor someone and share this post, you might be helping someone invest in their craft.

Okay guys, that’s all the catching up there is for now. Leave a comment if you have any questions or if you have some topics you’d want me to chat about in the coming year on the podcast.

LOVE, Udeme Asian.


Hello & Welcome to the blog newbies, now that you’ve come to know the blog, don’t be a stranger two times, follow the blog to get notified when I post.

Anyhoo, let me begin by saying that UNRIPE PLANTAIN IS A NATIONAL TREASURE, yup! Quote me anywhere. I was really in the funk on Sunday (20-10-19), I was feeling so discouraged, like nothing was working, I won’t lie some of my thoughts probably grieved the Holy Spirit and I was very sorry after, eventually the songs and the message that was ministered brought me out of it but it was truly a struggle, for the first time I had an idea of what people suffering from depression go through, just an idea, I can’t imagine feeling that way for days in a row. Thank you Jesus, so I started writing down 3 things I’m grateful for at the end of the day, if I am too tired I do it the next morning and I thank God for those things. I realized I was grateful for the littlest things like finding unripe plantain for cheap in the market, you know what listen to the full list of what I was grateful for in Episode #29 of the podcast.

You might be wondering what all of this has to do with growth, I listened to an interview with the host of the podcast CRIMINAL, Phoebe Judge on HowSound and hearing how much success and growth (that we crave for) can affect your mental health & how the pressure to stay at the top is more than the one that gets you there. I began to question if I was really ready for the growth I desperately wanted, are you ready friend?

If you’re a young lady/man you might be thinking umm… who isn’t ready to grow, can I shock you by saying that the answer might be *you*? I’m not a deep person so I won’t bother digging deep I just want you to answer a few questions for yourself, now now, let’s not lie to ourselves, we know what’s really up so keep it truthful.

So you want to get married, be a CEO, get a promotion, build a community, be a mother, a successful YouTuber, you can add to the list. Clearly that will probably be a big jump from where you are right now to that stage, that means that there will be a progression from one stage to the other which is called GROWTH. Let’s go with the dictionary definition;
“The process of growing”
“A progressive development”
“The process of growing”
__the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Now the question is;

  • Can you work under pressure Mr CEO,
  • Can you edit videos madam youtuber
  • Are you a good example of the kind of children you want to raise (aspiring mothers)
  • Do you find it easy to forgive Mr God when will i marry prayer warrior.

The word process and progress, that means IT WILL TAKE A WHILE, UDEME didn’t form the word it’s in a dictionary that has been in exsistence since 1828 yup!

While you are progressing let me suggest a couple of things you can do that I am doing (some not all)

  • Improve your work ethics
  • Get better at a core skill e.g video editing or leadership skills
  • Learn consistency e.g posting when you say you’ll post or journal every night
  • Focus on one thing at a time, until you can do more
  • Dream big & please don’t underestimate yourself

To listen to the full Episode click here.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19 KJV

See you on 1st November for a new blog post. Consistency right? Let’s do it.

HOW TO LISTEN TO A PODCAST + some recommendations.

Hi everyone, Udeme here, producer and host of the podcast “All The Things We See” with new episodes every Monday. I was doing some research and I found out that there are still more non-podcast listeners than podcast listeners in Nigeria and I was a bit shocked considering the fact that I listen to podcasts a lot, way before I ever started mine. Statistics show that only 1 in 5 Nigerians listen to podcasts, if you’re among the 4 people who don’t, PS: my sister still calls it voice notes, WHAT IS YOU DOING BABY?  If “All The Things We See” is the first podcast you’ll listen to, welcome! Here’s your step-by-step guide to listening to this podcast.

  1. FOR ANDROID USERS: Google has recently released a stand alone app “Google Podcast”, you can download it on Google play store all you have to do when you open the app is type a podcast name of your choice in the search bar and start listening. Here’s our show on the app
  2. FOR APPLE USERS: You can listen to podcasts on iTUNES, just search for the name of the podcast in the search bar and Voila!
  3. FOR SPOTIFY USERS: If you listen to music on this app, you can also listen to podcasts on it too! Some will be recommended for you based on what you listen to.
  4. RECOMMENDED APP: Radio Public is an app I love, not only because it’s easy to navigate but because when you listen you support an independent podcaster at no cost to you. Here’s our show via RP

If you’re already a podcast listener, excellent! We’re available in your favorite podcast app. (Your next mission, should you choose to accept, is to help someone else listen to this show. I love when I convert non-listeners to listeners, help someone today.

Here are some of my favorite podcasts:

My favorite murder:

Mark Hankins:


Have you listened to any episode of All The Things We See, if yes what is your recommendation? COMMENT BELOW. Love and Light!!

A LETTER TO THE FUTURE ME (a bucket list template)

So “to shoot oneself in the foot” is one idiomatic expression that I do not want to be practicing, side note; if you’ve read my last post you’ll understand what I mean. Inspirational writer Udeme has to follow her own advice hence my decision to be consistent by posting once per month.

Udemeobong, I’m putting some respect on your name because you’re not my mate anymore (you’re obviously doing fantastic now) probably getting paid in dollars/Euros, with multiple sources of income and a diversified investment portfolio. Your money is working for you. You’d have collaborated with at least two people by now, co-founded a business and founded another business on your own.

Since you’re already a great at multitasking and can only get better, I know you’re flourishing baby girl. You’ve traveled on vacation at least 10x on your card and your family is more than comfortable. To you money is not the goal so I’m pretty sure you’ve empowered at least 10 people whether in business or in their career path. You’ve volunteered at least 10 times and found a niche you’re an expert in.

Your skin is most likely smooth and glowing so I’m not even going to ask. Quick question, are you more compassionate, softer in speech or even more tolerant than you are now? How’s your relationship with God, better? Are you still writing and is it on this site waiiiiiitttttt does WordPress or Instagram still exist, do you still review books or even read them (that would be a big change), do you still daydream? ughhhh so many questions.

I often wonder if people think the same way I do or dream the same way for that matter. Quick question: Do you daydream if yes about what?






Leadership lessons from the wife of a fool.

Abigail is put in precarious position by Nabal her husband and David- the warrior, what actions does she take and do these actions make her a BITCH?

This book was written by Chidinma S, Onuoha and is based on a bible story. It was kind of shocking for me in a good way after reading the first few pages to find out that this was a Christian book because it made me curious, I didn’t initially realize that Abigail was the one from the bible and like the author wrote the word BITCH is not the type of word you find in Christian books. I like that she addressed the popular issue of patriarchy in religion, a lot of people use religion and the whole “wives be submissive to your husbands” quote  from the bible to oppress women and I say people above because not only men but women do it to other women too.

I like that Chidinma made it clear that every woman’s situation wouldn’t be the same and that the term “fool” is relative even though it was used literally in this book. She gave principles that could be applied no matter the situation. It was amazing how each principle could be used in both personal and professional situations. My personal favorites were how to apply “discretion” and “humility in leadership” all under the last chapter titled diplomatic.

 My only reservation about this book is not that the issue the author wrote on wasn’t well addressed but because it could have been done in less than 333 pages, it was very repetitive and that made the book a bore read, I struggled to finish this book because I scrolled to a page and I thought I had mistakenly gone back to a previous chapter, I understand the need for emphasis but it made it seem like she was moving in circles instead of going straight to the point. The arrangement of the chapters was so confusing I felt like I read more than one chapter in a chapter because of the numerous subheadings.

Some of my favorite quotes from the book were;

Docility is not a biblical strategy; todays women should always think intelligently about how they can overcome the challenges of their personal or professional lives and act diligently

She understood the biblical expressions about fools and knew that Nabal would not be a different fool

“I am speaking to those Bible-believing women whose situations don’t match the pictures God created for them in His word

I would recommend this book to bible believing women who feel like God/the bible isn’t on their side because of how their pastors, relatives, friends have interpreted the bible to them when they needed advice and comfort and women who want to walk in the light of the scriptures. This is also for women who are married to or dating “fools”, women who are abused whether physically or mentally. This is a book that lifts the spirits and gives women a way to be free.